Sunday, June 2, 2013


Yesterday was a big day, the MRFD in Ottawa.

I almost didn't go, this year the ride was forced to change again from a city that just not seem to care about the good work that is being done (another $500,000 raise this year to stay local for research).  Instead of starting at 9:00am we were told we had to start at 8:30am.  You see the city said we blocked too much traffic with the parade.  Too many people were affected...  THAT'S THE POINT.  The ride has had to (all because of the city) Move dates, locations a number of times, routes a number of times and now starting time.  Soon they will want us starting at 3:00am so less people get 'inconvenienced'. I'm sure if we were not all riding motorcycles we would be opened with wide arms and the mayor would join in on the 'parade'.

Here is a thought, stop asking the city for permission and start calling the MRFD a protest against the ignorance of people that do not care about cancers in men.  That way we could just go through the city in the middle of the day and stop all traffic.  LOL

The reason I did go... a very good friend was saved from prostate cancer, he now rides every year.  He asked if we wanted to join him again this year.  A brother is worth more to me than a board of directors of a charity that allow themselves to be walked over.

We had a blast as usual, big stories, smiley faces, good friends.  Waiting, not so much fun.


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