Friday, September 6, 2013


It's been very busy, new job, learning to not be tied to a device 24/7...  and working downtown, something that I have never done.

So I started the new job, as mentioned downtown.  Well you would think that you could get cheaper parking being on a motorcycle, well not in this city.  So, I decided after the first week to try something else that I have not done in a long time, take the bus!  But I also decided to add something to it, I now walk home from work, we'll have to see how that goes ;).

But really I should be talking about riding, last weekend I worked the Canadian Ironman.  Basically it involves riding up and down the parkway in Ottawa 'officiating' while the participants cycle.  One of the things you need to do at these is 'sweep' the course, basically this is riding the route before anyone is one it, you know look for 'dangerous' situations.  Well sign me up, traveling along the canal in Ottawa with no other vehicles!  I will not say I was speeding but I was at a 'brisk' pace when I rounded a corner and a deer was right in-front of me....  This is downtown Ottawa, I know we have parkland but a deer downtown!!!  It got off the road, no Bambi parts left anywhere but really, not at all what I was expecting.

This Saturday I'm riding support for a fundraiser which I have done in the past, Ride the Rideau.  This is the 100km ride I help out with every year in support of the Ottawa hospital.  It goes from Ottawa through the countryside and ends in Merrickville.  Wonder if I'll see Bambi's mother :).  If I do I'll try and get some good pics, I'll be expecting wildlife this time around.
