Saturday, May 4, 2013


May the 4th be with you... ok it's a cheesy joke but hey it is the 4th.

I did something today for the first time ever.  I went and had a PSA test done.  As you may have seen every spring I do the MRFD, and this year will be no different.  But this year they held their second annual PSA clinic.  Now the MRFD is a great organization and they know how to do things right, no excuses.

They advertised all over, Saturday May 4th will be their clinic, sent out emails, posted on Twitter, Facebook, radio etc.  It was only going to be for 2 hours (9:00am till 11:00am, remember this is all volunteers.  So at 10:00am I remember, only 1 more hour of the clinic so...  I jump on the meanie and head over. I entered the hospital grounds and in true MRFD fashion there are signs pointing straight to the free parking every 50' or so.  In I went, parked my bike and the volunteers directed my way.  Smiling faces everywhere, I was in sitting in a chair in not less than 5 min.  The nurse was FANTASTIC, can I say that again, FANTASTIC, another couple minutes I was done.  On my way out of the building and more volunteers saying THANKS to me for showing up?  Strange eh, they might be saving my life and they are saying thanks.

So within 10 min I have had the blood drawn for the test and am on my way, no rubber glove, how could you not go.  I will be telling all my 'older' male friends next year come this time to come with me.  How can you not get checked knowing it is this easy.

Thanks to all at the MRFD PSA clinic, I will continue to get checked!  Here's hoping for good news from the test results.  Now to go raise more money for this great organization.  The ride this year in Ottawa is June 1st.


1 comment:

  1. Good for you Paws! I would have gone but I'm one of those guys that does NOT shy away from an annual physical so I get the old prostrate checked by my doctor. Also looking forward to MRFD again. Fingers crossed we don't have a repeat of last year's wet ride.
